社会学院 & 行为科学
Gain a psychological understanding of why people act the way they do through our online bachelor’s psychology degrees. You’ll explore the workings of the human brain and learn to apply psychological principles to real-world problems.
Choose a bachelor’s degree in industrial-organizational psychology or applied psychology with a concentration in media and technology. You’ll develop skills that can help foster healthy workplace cultures or address complex human challenges associated with technology. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜100%在线,通常为5周. So, you can prepare for a career in the field of psychology without impacting your day-to-day life.
在你毕业之前就从你的教育中获得价值. Update your resumé and LinkedIn profile with learned skills when you complete every 5- or 6-week course in our associate, 学士和硕士推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.
您将 14 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain the confidence and skills to succeed in industrial-organizational psychology. 这些核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜包括:心理学基础, 研究方法, 职业道德, 组织文化, 以及人类心理学中的群体动力学和动机过程.
您将 15 core courses with program-specific knowledge to help you gain the confidence and skills to succeed in applied psychology. 这些核心推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜包括以下主题:21世纪的数字技能, 统计推理, 人格理论, 社会心理学, 网络通信, 社交媒体和人际互动, 媒体对行为和数字学习的影响.
From scholarships to transfer credits and federal financial aid for those who qualify, 支付学费和节省学费的方法有很多种.
Over 1 million alumni have earned their degrees while balancing work, school and life. 你能吗?.
一旦你选择了你的学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 从我们的日历中选择你的开始日期, apply for free and register before the deadline (usually one week before the program starts). 然后你会和注册代表谈话,开始上课.
我们的学院院长专注于开发与职业相关的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. They bring industry experience to the classroom and lead a faculty of academic professionals with one goal in mind—to help you earn the skills you need to pursue your career.
自1978年以来, University of Phoenix has maintained institutional accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), hlcommission.org. 了解更多 about the value of University of Phoenix accreditation and how it 好处 our students.
The published program length to complete a bachelor’s degree in psychology is four 年. 你的完成时间可能会因各种因素而有所不同, 包括课间休息. You may be able to save time and tuition on your degree if you have eligible transfer credits from an institutionally accredited university or college. 看看如何通过转学分更快地毕业.
If you’re fascinated by the human mind and want to study factors that influences how people think, 行动和感受, a degree in psychology can establish a great foundation of knowledge to help you prepare for graduate-level programs or fulfilling career paths.
是的. University of Phoenix is institutionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. +, the courses for our bachelor’s psychology degrees in industrial-organizational psychology 和一个pplied psychology align to the education standards set by the American Psychological Association (APA). 此外,我们所有的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜都是100%在线提供的. 大多数大学都希望你同时修几门课, 在这里,你一次上一门推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,为期五周, 虚拟, 异步学习环境.
You and your peers will engage in discussions, assignments and learning activities. +, you’ll learn from faculty who bring their own real-world experience and practice the same knowledge and skills they teach, all while learning the industry-relevant skills necessary to promote your career growth. 更重要的是? 在整个学习过程中, our academic counselors and finance advisors are always there to support and guide your decisions from your first day to your last.
我们的心理学学士学位可以为你从事各种职业做准备, 比如通信专家, 合规管理协调员, 人力资源专员, 人员分析, 项目经理和培训发展专家. 另外, other career paths in the field of psychology require a master’s degree or specialized education. 如果你想在获得学士学位后继续深造, 你可以攻读心理学相关的研究生推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供两个研究生水平的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 心理学理学硕士 和一个 工业组织心理学理学硕士.
是的, our bachelor’s psychology degree programs accept eligible transfer credits from accredited institutions. Speak with an enrollment representative to start the process of evaluation by the University to see if your prior college credits can apply to your program and to request your transcripts.
These programs do not prepare students for professional certification or licensure as a psychologist.